September 19, 2024 Interview with Glissando Magazine His works refer to alternative human machine interaction and the approach to create integrated and universal communication systems. (…) The creation of experimental soundscapes and the relation of semiotics and sound are further aspects of his work. Meet Andreas Lutz. Read more
November 13, 2023 Soundrive on Abstract Language Model Abstract Language Model is a devastatingly beautiful and subtle album, and the idea behind it makes it a timeless work. (…) The beauty of the album lies precisely between what is known and what is unfamiliar. Read more
November 10, 2023 Glissando on Abstract Language Model (Live) The subjectivity of non-human entities plays an important role in Lutz’s work, as do considerations of the future of communication. (…) There was something captivatingly beautiful about this sonic world conjured by means of science and magic precisely at the intersection of the existing and the potential. Read more
October 24, 2023 Musique Machine on Abstract Language Model What remains palpable among the metallic drone of machine intelligence is the rise and fall of degrees of emphasis, the structural sine qua non of any system of utterances. One thing has to be louder than another, mark space or distance between what is spoken and what is said. (…) Highly recommended! Read more
October 10, 2023 Vital Weekly on Abstract Language Model Massive, machine-like drones burst away, but never resulting in mind-dumbing noise music. (…) It is a constant trajectory, moving and changing, with some delicate urgency. Music that goes right into the neural system, drilling holes in your brain. (…) Excellent release! Read more
September 24, 2023 Silence And Sound on Abstract Language Model Andreas Lutz compose un album dont la froideur première se révèle être son contraire, chassé-croisé de sensations opposées et de vertige implosif, plongée immersive dans la noirceur de la nuit à l’immensité tourbillonnante. Read more
June 30, 2020 Vital Weekly on Dyad This is some very extreme music. (…) It all sounded akin to the works of Pan Sonic, especially when it came to using short repeated segments (i.e. loops and rhythms), Ikeda (the high versus low end) and Alva Noto (a combination of long-form sine wave sounds and rhythms). Read more
November 26, 2019 Vital Weekly on Form What I particularly liked about this that there are four pieces which can be seen as originals and then from each of these four, mHz created a remix of some sort, reshaping some of the elements, making it quite a different song altogether, and yet recognizable when compared to the original. Read more
November 6, 2019 Toneshift on Form This is drone by frequency, bound by a sort of quasi, quantum mathematic scheme and its voluminous residual brightness. (…) The minimalism of mHz is striking and coded, slightly animated in terms of production style that comes off like hard-edged collage here and there. Read more
July 29, 2019 GROOVE Magazin on Construct Bei minim stehen die Zwischenräume im Fokus, und eben nicht mehr die klanglich-kompositorischen Inhalte, die diese Zwischenräume definieren. Purer und klarer kann elektronische Musik nicht werden – und konkreter auch kaum. Read more
July 19, 2019 Rumore Magazine on Construct Per l´etichetta tedesca Kasuga la musicista rumena minim (Diana Dulgheru) pubblica un album di elementari pulsazioni glitch reiterate, che acquistano complessitá nel loro svilupparsi in concomitanza con bordoni elettronici elementari. Read more
July 9, 2019 Sodapop on Construct Il senso della composizione e del dettaglio rende in realtà l’ascolto piacevole, tanto da farti sprofondare in un loop percettivo e mentale che trascende e completa lo sviluppo espressivo dei pochissimi elementi. Read more
June 21, 2019 Chain D.L.K. on Construct It’s rare to hear a release that’s quite so bold with its stripped back approach, but there’s an elegance to it that’s hard to dispute. A release best suited to listening in a very isolated sonic environment, as it’s only there that the atmosphere here reaches its full immersive potential. Read more
June 18, 2019 Toneshift on Construct minim creates a calculated collection of compositions that somehow, despite it’s sparse structures, comes off rather warm (and a bit psychedelic) rather than strictly mathematical. Read more
March 5, 2019 Toneshift on Current Current is the new album by the Bucharest-based artist, the track titles of which make their theme more than apparent. Titles such as Volt, Phase and Ohm wear their hearts firmly on their sleeves: this is electronic music about electricity itself. Read more
March 1, 2019 Rockerilla on Current Da Bucarest un nuovo nome da aggiungere alla mappa dei musicisti techno che preferiscono operare nell'ombra: Syntax. Read more