Releases kasuga023 Construct





Digital release
Limited SD Card edition

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In the philosophy of science, the construct is an ideal object, where the existence of a thing depends upon a subject’s mind. A construct is not directly perceivable, it implies concepts that are used to explain phenomena that aren’t directly observable.

Using it as a metaphor for the album Construct, the purpose is to capture its ambivalent meaning by focusing on constructing a sonic structure, ways of constructing and adding and subtracting sonic elements on a formal level. Philosophically, the opposition between construct and object — theoretical and empirical — were the main sources of inspiration.

Construct by Bucharest-based artist minim will be released digitally and as a limited SD Card edition.

Press release (PDF)





“Bei minim stehen die Zwischenräume im Fokus, und eben nicht mehr die klanglich-kompositorischen Inhalte, die diese Zwischenräume definieren. Purer und klarer kann elektronische Musik nicht werden – und konkreter auch kaum.”
GROOVE Magazin

“Il senso della composizione e del dettaglio rende in realtà l’ascolto piacevole, tanto da farti sprofondare in un loop percettivo e mentale che trascende e completa lo sviluppo espressivo dei pochissimi elementi.”
Sodapop Magazine

“It’s rare to hear a release that’s quite so bold with its stripped back approach, but there’s an elegance to it that’s hard to dispute. A release best suited to listening in a very isolated sonic environment, as it’s only there that the atmosphere here reaches its full immersive potential.”
Chain D.L.K.