July 29, 2019 GROOVE Magazin on Construct Bei minim stehen die Zwischenräume im Fokus, und eben nicht mehr die klanglich-kompositorischen Inhalte, die diese Zwischenräume definieren. Purer und klarer kann elektronische Musik nicht werden – und konkreter auch kaum. Read more
July 19, 2019 Rumore Magazine on Construct Per l´etichetta tedesca Kasuga la musicista rumena minim (Diana Dulgheru) pubblica un album di elementari pulsazioni glitch reiterate, che acquistano complessitá nel loro svilupparsi in concomitanza con bordoni elettronici elementari. Read more
July 9, 2019 Sodapop on Construct Il senso della composizione e del dettaglio rende in realtà l’ascolto piacevole, tanto da farti sprofondare in un loop percettivo e mentale che trascende e completa lo sviluppo espressivo dei pochissimi elementi. Read more
June 21, 2019 Chain D.L.K. on Construct It’s rare to hear a release that’s quite so bold with its stripped back approach, but there’s an elegance to it that’s hard to dispute. A release best suited to listening in a very isolated sonic environment, as it’s only there that the atmosphere here reaches its full immersive potential. Read more
June 18, 2019 Toneshift on Construct minim creates a calculated collection of compositions that somehow, despite it’s sparse structures, comes off rather warm (and a bit psychedelic) rather than strictly mathematical. Read more